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DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut

I’m so excited to finally share my DIY cake topper tutorial! I was inundated with questions about how I made the sparkly gold decor in my glitter and glam engagement party shoot, so I wanted to share the step by step process for making these fun and easy cake toppers! Check out more fun wedding DIY inspiration on Cricut!

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DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut

DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut

I had a lot of fun creating these designs for a chic and modern wedding cake topper! I used some of my favorite script and sans serif fonts to create custom topper designs that can be found at the bottom of the post to download and use for your own cakes!

If you are creating your own designs, I recommend adding a stroke to the lettering or underscoring slender fonts with a thick line to make sure that the toppers can hold their rigid shape. The glitter cardstock offers a good base for a free standing topper, but adding poster board backing ensures a firmer and longer lasting design!

Check out my step by step tutorial below!

Materials –

DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut

DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut
Load images into Cricut Design Space
DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut
Set as Moderately Complex to ensure delicate designs are cut with precision
DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut
Save as a Cut Image
DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut
Size image to width of your cake
DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut
Center on Cutting Mat
DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut
Select Glitter Cardstock in Cricut Design Space
Materials for Gold Glitter Cake Topper DIY
Materials for Gold Glitter Cake Topper DIY
Cricut DIY for Gold Glitter Cake Toppers
Weed out cake topper and use the scraper to easily remove from cutting mat
Make Your Own Metallic Wedding Cake Topper
Cut image again on poster board for backing support
DIY Cake Topper Tutorial with Cricut
Glue cake topper to bamboo skewers
Gold Glitter Script Cake Topper
Done! Your own DIY Cake Topper!
You Are My Favorite Wedding Cake Topper
Infinity Sign Cake Topper for a Wedding
Mr and Mrs Gold Glitter Cake Topper
Love Cake Topper in Gold Glitter
Sequin and Glitter Cake Table with a DIY Topper

Free Printable Cake Topper Designs – 

Celebrate Cake Topper

Infinity Love Cake Topper

Love Letter Cake Topper

Mr and Mrs Cake Topper

(personal use only)

This post was sponsored by CRICUT, a Hey Wedding Lady Partner. However, all opinions and designs are my own. Links may contain affiliate content, which means I receive a small percentage of sales generated from clicks

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